Sankt Peter Ording liegt im Bundesland Schleswig Holsstein in Nordfriesland. Der Strand ist wahrscheinlich der größte in ganz Deutschland. Er[…]
WeiterlesenLetzte Beiträge
Sankt Peter Ording am Wattenmeer
Mein erster Eindruck von Sankt Peter Ording war: brr soo kalt. Der Wind weht ständig. Hier kann man sich nicht[…]
WeiterlesenSt. Lucia–hippo town
In St. Lucia it is normal that in the evening the hippos walk through town. You can find them grazing[…]
WeiterlesenSt. Lucia-Isimangaliso-Fourth day
We made a spectacular whale watching tour in St. Lucia starting from a beach close to town. We saw humpback[…]
WeiterlesenSt. Lucia-Isimangaliso night drive
This night drive with Shakabarker tours was amazing. They fetched us from our lodge and we went with an open[…]
WeiterlesenSt. Lucia-Crocodile centre
We went to the Crocodile centre and couldn`t believe that humans could go so close to crocodiles. This centre is[…]
WeiterlesenSt. Lucia-Isimangaliso Wetland Park-third day
On the third day we had a lot of activities. In the morning we drove until Cape Vidal where we[…]
WeiterlesenSt. Lucia–Isimangaliso Wetland Park-Second day
On our second day in St. Lucia we went to a Croc & Hippo boats tours which was very cool.[…]
WeiterlesenSt. Lucia–Isimangaliso Wetland Park-Second day
On our second day in St. Lucia we went to a Croc & Hippo boats tours which was very cool.[…]
WeiterlesenSt. Lucia–Isimangaliso Wetland Park-First day
The Isimangaliso Wetland Park consists of a Lake (Lake St. Lucia, the sea and some wetlands). First we went to[…]