Chris ist total klettersteigverrückt. Er kennt sich sehr gut aus. Er hat uns die Drachenwand im Salzkammergut empfohlen. Der Klettersteig[…]
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Wir fahren nach Schönau und Salzburg
Heute morgen sind wir von Marburg losgefahren. Wir haben den Campingplatz Mühlleiten im Berchtesgadener Land in Schönau am Nachmittag erreicht.[…]
WeiterlesenThirteenth day: we have to say goodbye to Makuleke
Last night we sat at the fire and heard stories from T. like the one when he ended in the[…]
WeiterlesenThirteenth day: Morning goodby – second part
Today we had our last breakfast in the camp. As every morning we saw some baboons running through the camp.[…]
WeiterlesenI am a bird nerd
Every time I am in South Africa I fall in love with the beautiful birds. T. and D. stopped the[…]
WeiterlesenTwelfth day afternoon at Lanna gorge
This was our last sundowner. As usual T. and K. had a good idea for a beautiful spot. This was[…]
WeiterlesenTwelfth day morning safari drive
This morning we had a morning drive with Dominique. He made an excellent guiding tour. He explained a lot. Later[…]
WeiterlesenEleventh day afternoon trailing asessment
In the afternoon we walked from camp to trail the elephant Claudia had seen by the camp in the morning[…]
WeiterlesenBushbabies in camp and other stories
On our first morning and on the way to Makuleke Marc had bought a bushbaby in a shop at the[…]
WeiterlesenEleventh day morning: trailing assessment with carcasse of Nyala
Today there was a trailing asessment for two students of us. We were in a beautiful landscape with lala palms[…]