Volunteer planting trees with green mambas and False Bay

Today we brought the trees from the nursery close to WTF office to plant them. The Green Mambas ( 14 ladies and a man) work for conservation for WTF. Kevin calls them „my ladies“, which is very nice. While giving the 14 women and the man (he is the driver) a job, WTF supports the community close to Greater Ukuwela Nature Reserve. They are so nice. They helped us with planting the trees. I told them „You are so strong!“ And they answered: “ It is because I am a Green Mamba!“. So cool! Greg also came to have a look. Later we drove to False Bay with Kevin. Greg came with his car. Tori, Senna and Apiwe had already prepared a picnic lunch close to the lake of False Bay. this was very nice. Later we made a walk with Greg as a guide. He explained us the little things like the spiders or bugs. That was nice.

African sunset

putting up a very heavy plant

I made it!

Kevin`s nursery of trees for the sand forest.

The Green Mambas part 1

The Green Mambas oart 2

We planted together.

False Bay. Only crocs are allowed.

False Bay is a lake in lake St. Lucia.

Beautiful flower of aloe plant.

yellow-billed egret

white breasted cormoran


yellow billed stork

Greg explaining the little things

He looked under the branches of dead trees lying on the ground and found spiders, beetles, ants…

Black Botton Spider

spitting spider

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