Thirteenth day: Morning goodby – second part

Today we had our last breakfast in the camp. As every morning we saw some baboons running through the camp. Then we drove with the bush bus to a petrol station with shops. There we saw the beautiful impala lilies.

Baboons walking close to the fire place.

Impala lilies = fiori del deserto.

We bought something to eat and had our last lunch together. After that we had to say goodbye to Marc, who was going to the Southern part of Kruger. We all continued for the airport and then for our hostels. Marco, Annette and Annie (from Canada) had their plane in the evening. The next day the rest of us flew home from Joburg.

 What a beautiful course in Makuleke. I will miss it a lot. We have laughed every day and have learned so much!

Thank you T. and K.

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